
Contact Informations

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To'hum Office 
Kvk Number: KVK 80971636
Business Adress:
 Herenstraat 8J. 3512KC, Utrecht, the Netherlands
BTW Number: NL003512116B31


Goals of To'hum and Circular Clothing

Reducing the Fashion Waste

In 2019 alone, 208 Million Pounds of fashion waste was created by disposable clothing. With the "Circularity" model we have adopted as To'hum, we want to stand against these fashion wastes and support sustainable life.

Reducing the Greenhouse Gas Emmisions

United Nations Climate Change News states, the fashion industry contributes around 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions due to its long supply chains and energy intensive production; more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. Thanks to the model we have adopted, we are adopting to reduce air pollution by reducing the function of this chain.

Reducing the Cotton Production

Quantis found that over 90% of the emissions for apparel come from four activities: dyeing and finishing, fabric preparation, yarn preparation, and fiber production. Therefore, in the model we have adopted, the need for dyeing and cotton will decrease, as the clothes will remain in circulation.


We will achieve circularity in fashion industry, together. 


It is a way of doing business, moreover a mindset. It takes production, use and end-of-life phases of the product into consideration and already designs the product with this philosophy in mind.

Yes, but 6 times lower than a normal baby garment. This is calculated by a third party independent consultancy firm including our production and your use phases. Soon the report will be disclosed to public.

This is the program where To'hum focuses on the social aspects of sustainability. Your garments are designed not to fail but when they are getting old because of natural causes we are donating them to the nations and communities who are in need.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is recognised as the world's leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres. It defines high-level environmental criteria along the entire organic textiles supply chain and requires compliance with social criteria as well.

- You can trace the producer and the production conditions with the specific code on the label of your garment. Head to GOTS page.